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The International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJRMET) provides an outlet for research findings and reviews in areas of Mechanical Engineering and Technology found to be relevant for national and international development. IJRMET is an open access, peer reviewed international journal with a primary objective to provide the academic community and industry for the submission of original research and applications related to Mechanical Engineering and Technology. The Half-yearly journal is intended, in its publications, to stimulate new research ideas and foster practical application from the research findings. The journal publishes original research of such high quality as to attract contributions from the relevant local, regional and international communities.

CURRENT ISSUE IJRMET Vol. 11 Issue 1 (Nov 2020 - April 2021)
FREQUENCY 2 Issues Per Year
ISSN 2249 - 5762 (Online)
ISSN 2249 - 5770 (Print)
Subject Category Mechanical Engineering and Technology

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IJRMET Vol. 11 Issue 1 (Nov 2020 - April 2021)

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Glimpse of AETM 2018- Bangkok, Thailand (6th June 2018)
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Glimpse of IRTD 2017- Kathmandu, Nepal (28th October 2017)
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Glimpse of AETM 2017- Bangkok, Thailand (6th January 2017)
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Glimpse of ACSECT 2016- Bangkok, Thailand (22nd January 2016)
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Glimpse of AETM 2015- Bangkok, Thailand (23rd July 2015)
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Glimpse of ACSECT 2015- Bangkok, Thailand (17th January 2015)

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Certifications & Awards

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Glimpse of IRTD 2014- Chandigarh, (1st November 2014)

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Certifications & Awards

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Glimpse of AETM 2014- Bangkok, Thailand (26th July 2014)

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Certifications & Awards

Glimpse of ACSECT 2014- Bangkok, Thailand (25th January 2014)

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Certifications & Awards